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This site presents Rebeccas' project archive.

Rebeccas' projects are available for touring and is presentable on stage, in studios or gallery spaces.

Mehr Kapitalismus wagen!

Lecture Performance (UA: Staatstheater Braunschweig, 2009)

Harald Wolff, Rebecca Egeling und Nadim Hussain bitten zum Schäfchenzählen und zeigen, wie man durch die Vernichtung von Kapital den Wert eines Unternehmens ins Unendliche steigern kann. Außerdem klären sie, wieso nicht zu wenig Geld unser Problem ist, sondern zu viel, warum Walter Riester Schuld ist an dem weltweiten Finanzdesaster und was wir tun können, um endlich Boni für alle einzusacken. (Harald Wolff)

SORRY! (Stereo Unplugged)

Collaboration with Pandora Pop
Performative Event
(Mousonturm, Frankfurt 2009)

“I have always depended on the kindness of strangers.” (Blanche Du Bois)

Celebrating the moment of coming together Pandora Pop invites all their virtual online „friends“ in live and in colour to a real party in a real space: ‘Sorry! (Stereo Unplugged)’ is the result of 730 hours online conference calls, 120 hours of one-to-one skype meetings, 323 560 lines of internet chat, 234 concept development e-mails , 763 administration related written electronic exchanges, two social platform accounts, one blogger account, one online video account, 156 text messages and 576 hours spent in a re(hears)al space.


Sheep Pattern Democracy

A participatory Lecture and Performance, (Dartington, UK 2008)

Imagine you walk into a field with sheep.

Instantaneous all Sheep turn around and stare at you.

They think as an entity, gather and blead: “beaahhh”

What does it feel like to be human –now?

The participatory lecture makes links between the herding behaviour of sheep and the structure of democracy. The following performance deals with embodying, reproducing and failing being Animal. When the performer shifts in and out of Sheepness Humanness needs to be redifined.

In collaboration with Christine Borch

The Problem Solver Company

A Performative Exhibition, (Dartington, UK 2008)

What would our world look like if children were asked to solve our problems?

Jim and Ole Black, founders of the “Problem Solver Company” now look back on one year of experience and successful problem solving. They invite you to email your problem to problemsolvercompany@gmx.de We will come back to you with a solution during our next performative exhibition.

By Jim and Ole Black with Rebecca Egeling

Outdoor Performance

A site specific performance along the culture - nature border land. (Dartington, UK 2007)

In autumn 2007 one place on Dartmoor is visited several times a week.

Early in the morning, when dust rises,
In the afternoons, when the sun still warms the rocks,
At night, when the hands are not visible in front of the eyes.

A relationship to wind, whether, water, rocks and trees unfolds, develops and changes.

At the end of the physical research fragile bodies, exposed to the place move in confluence with their environment. In the witnesses mind boundaries between Nature and Human Identity might soften and mellow.

In collaboration with Shelley Castle (Photography) and Elisabeth Pöcksteiner (dance)

New York Counterpoint

Ein choreographierter Wahrnehmungsprozess sichtbarer Klangzustände (UA: Festival Junger Talente, Offenbach/Main, 2006)

Im Innern eines Tunnels aus Tönen und Licht in mannigfachen Schattierungen meint man, Farben hören und Klänge sehen zu können. Irgendetwas passiert mit der eigenen Wahrnehmung. Sie gerät an ihre Grenzen, und plötzlich stellt man fest, man steht nicht still im Raum, weil der Boden vor einem wegläuft. Doch dann kommt der Horizont auf einen zu. Was bleibt, ist die Musik.

Klarinette: Roman Kuperschmidt/Rafael Caldentey
Inszenierung: Rebecca Egeling
Klangregie: Felix Dreher
Licht: Stine Hertel, Camilla Vetters
mit Schülern des Jeinrich von Gagern Gymnasiums Frankfurt/Main
Tonband-Einspielung: Roland Diry, Ensemble Modern
Aufnahme: Udo Wüstendörfer, Hessischer Rundfunk

Balloons / Dear Stranger

A Happening and Performance, (Gießen, D 2007)

An unknown public is contacted via Balloons.
Answers from afar build the raw material for the performance Dear Stranger.
The unknown public that responds to the Balloon mail is invited to the Performance.

To see the sending of the Balloons please click here:

A project by Rebecca Egeling with Eva Schäfer. Editing: Jan Wörner